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Group of people snorkelling, WA, Pom Pom Island, Semporna, Sabah
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Snorkelers duck diving down next to Whale shark as it swims towards the camera, Maamigili, South Ari Atoll, The Maldives
Format: XDCam EX 1080i50
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Free divers ascending out of shot with Whaleshark swimming off in the background, Maamigili, South Ari Atoll, The Maldives
Format: XDCam EX 1080i50
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Free diver swimming over the top of the Whaleshark while another takes a photo, Maamigili, South Ari Atoll, The Maldives
Format: XDCam EX 1080i50
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Free diver trying to swim down next to Whale shark, Maamigili, South Ari Atoll, The Maldives
Format: XDCam EX 1080i50
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Snorkelers and free divers swimming with Whaleshark, Maamigili, South Ari Atoll, The Maldives
Format: XDCam EX 1080i50
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Surface shot of snorkelers swimming with a Whaleshark, Maamigili, South Ari Atoll, The Maldives
Format: XDCam EX 1080i50
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Snorkelers swimming with Whaleshark as it turns, Maamigili, South Ari Atoll, The Maldives
Format: XDCam EX 1080i50
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Free diver swimming beside Whaleshark with snorkelers on the surface, Maamigili, South Ari Atoll, The Maldives
Format: XDCam EX 1080i50
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Whaleshark swimming away from camera with snorkelers following, Maamigili, South Ari Atoll, The Maldives
Format: XDCam EX 1080i50
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Snorkelers, free divers and scuba divers with Whaleshark, Maamigili, South Ari Atoll, The Maldives
Format: XDCam EX 1080i50
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Divers around Whaleshark, Maamigili, South Ari Atoll, The Maldives
Format: XDCam EX 1080i50
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Divers swimming with Whaleshark and a tilt up to the snorkelers, Maamigili, South Ari Atoll, The Maldives
Format: XDCam EX 1080i50
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Downward tilt from snorkelers to divers chasing Whaleshark, Maamigili, South Ari Atoll, The Maldives
Format: XDCam EX 1080i50
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